Physicians can take steps to address bullying and other abusive behaviours they may be subjected to by patients and their families, colleagues and other healthcare workers, and third parties.
An overview of how physician advisors support members’ health and wellbeing who are facing a medical-legal concern, legal action, or complaint.
Wellness strategies and resources for physician residents
As physicians age or they experience cognitive or health decline, they will want to be familiar with requirements set out by their College, and understand their ability and possible limitations to deliver safe medical care.
When caring for patients, physicians can neglect their own health and well-being. Doctors should improve their self-care for their own sake, and for the sake of their patients and the healthcare system.
An overview of communication strategies physicians can use to help resolve conflict with other physicians or other healthcare providers.
While fatigue can negatively affect the performance of individual physicians, systematic and standardized approaches to teamwork and communication may help mitigate patient safety risks.
Physicians regularly encounter patients or family members who behave aggressively and make demands that may be unrealistic and potentially harmful. In their medical practice, physicians need strategies and tools to manage conflict and such challenging behaviours.
Strategies for managing the stress associated with transitioning to a new EMR system for managing patient records.
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