Type of work (TOW) code descriptions
35: Family medicine—excluding anesthesia, obstetrics (labour and delivery), shifts in the emergency department, and surgery
All family medicine codes include work in: private offices, CLSC, hospitals or wards, home care, nursing homes, chronic/long-term care facilities, and walk-in/urgent care clinics.
- If your work is primarily in physical medicine and rehabilitation, choose code 27.
- If your work is primarily in geriatrics or palliative medicine, choose code 29.
- If your work is restricted to occupational medicine, choose code 51.
- If your work is restricted to minor cosmetic procedures, choose code 37.
Family medicine—primary professional work in family medicine, including shifts in the emergency department
All family medicine codes include work in: private offices, CLSC, hospitals or wards, home care, nursing homes, chronic/long-term care facilities, and walk-in/urgent care clinics.
- If your work is primarily in the emergency department, choose code 82.
Family medicine—including obstetrics (labour and delivery), anesthesia, surgery, and shifts in the emergency department
All family medicine codes include work in: private offices, CLSC, hospitals or wards, home care, nursing homes, chronic/long-term care facilities, and walk-in/urgent care clinics.
79: Family medicine—including anesthesia, surgery, and shifts in the emergency department
All family medicine codes include work in: private offices, CLSC, hospitals or wards, home care, nursing homes, chronic/long-term care facilities, and walk-in/urgent care clinics.
12: Residents and fellows without moonlighting—includes electives anywhere in Canada
Residents and fellows registered in a postgraduate medical education program, international medical graduates registered in a program to obtain a licence for independent practice, and fellows and physicians pursuing a structured university affiliated program.
- Includes extra resident shifts but will not include CMPA assistance with medico-legal difficulties arising from independent practice of medicine outside the program.
14: Residents and fellows with moonlighting—includes electives anywhere in Canada
Extracurricular (outside of a postgraduate training program) practice of medicine by residents and fellows registered in a full-time postgraduate medical education program.
- Generally includes eligibility for CMPA assistance with medico-legal difficulties arising from independent practice of medicine outside of the program whether remunerated or not.
- Residents and fellows who moonlight must hold licensure or registration acceptable to the regulatory authority (College) in the jurisdiction where the moonlighting takes place.
- Residents and fellows who limit their clinical activities to moonlighting (e.g. locum) for more than 14 consecutive days must change to a practising physician code.
08: Humanitarian work, teaching, or research abroad
- Excludes the U.S., all U.S. territories, and all other countries where the U.S. legal system is applied.
- There is a minimum period of one month and a maximum period of 12 months.
- Members must confirm eligibility for assistance with the CMPA prior to leaving Canada.
07: Teaching in Canada
- Exclusive to members who only maintain a clinical teaching role within Canada.
- You must not be in practice, make clinical decisions, write prescriptions, or undertake medical administrative work.
- You may have contact with patients only for the purpose of clinical teaching, but without involvement in patient care.
20: Administrative medicine (medical executive or advisor)—no prescriptions, no clinical or patient contact
- Generally includes eligibility for CMPA assistance where medical input is used but will generally not include eligibility for CMPA assistance in matters related to non-medical acts performed in administrative roles, such as human resource matters or contractual issues.
21: Pathology, anatomical or general
23: Pathology, hematological
24: Biochemistry, medical
25: Microbiology, medical
26: Pathology, neuropathology
27: Physical medicine and rehabilitation
- If your work is primarily in palliative medicine, geriatrics, or long-term care, choose code 29.
28: Public health and preventative medicine (community medicine)
29: Geriatrics and palliative medicine
- Includes work in long-term care.
30: Developmental pediatrics
31: Clinical associates and hospitalists on a medical or surgical service
- Includes assistance at surgery, pre/postoperative care.
- Must not include CCU, ICU, NICU work, or emergency department shifts or consultation as part of specialist services.
- Must not include labour and delivery, independent surgical practice, or fracture care.
- This code is not appropriate for specialists or family physicians who also have a practice or work at a walk-in family-practice clinic.
- This code is not appropriate for residents and fellows.
36: Psychiatry and addiction medicine
- Includes shifts in the emergency department of a psychiatric hospital.
38: Pain medicine—without general or spinal anesthesia
39: Gynecology and obstetrics—without labour, delivery, or surgery, and restricted to office practice
- Includes infertility treatments.
42: Clinical immunology and allergy
44: Dermatology
45: Diagnostic radiology
46: Endocrinology and metabolism
47: Gastroenterology
48: Genetics, medical or genomics
50: Hematology
51: Occupational medicine
52: Infectious diseases
53: Critical or intensive care medicine
54: Internal medicine and its subspecialties—not elsewhere noted
- If your primary work is a subspecialty, choose the code of your subspecialty.
55: Nephrology
56: Neurology
58: Nuclear medicine
59: Oncology, medical
61: Pediatrics
- If your work is primarily in emergency medicine, choose code 82.
- If your work is primarily in developmental pediatrics, choose code 30.
62: Respirology
63: Rheumatology
64: Sport and exercise medicine
65: Oncology, radiation
66: Neonatal—perinatal medicine
70: Cardiology
82: Emergency medicine
90: Anesthesiology
93: Obstetrics—with or without gynecology
33: Assistance at surgery—no other professional work and no prescriptions except for post-operative orders
- Includes postoperative orders as part of surgical assistance duties only.
- If your work is on the ward, choose code 31.
37: Surgical consultations and office surgical practice
- Appropriate for physicians whose practice is restricted to minor cosmetic procedures that are consistent with their specialty training and that they can perform in an office setting under local anesthetic.
- If your work is restricted to office gynecology or obstetrics, choose code 39.
60: Ophthalmology
77: Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery—ear, nose, and throat)
- Includes cosmetic procedures restricted to the head and the neck.
83: General surgery
84: Gynecologic surgery—without labour and delivery
- If your work is restricted to office gynecology or obstetrics, choose code 39.