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Passwords and security

Some content, including the ability to use the self-service transactions, is available only to CMPA members. Members need to sign in with their primary email address or member number and password to access these features.

Obtain a new password now (we must have your email address on file). If you need assistance, please contact us.

Passwords are not available to the general public. To obtain a password you must be a CMPA member or other approved user.

Passwords are case sensitive. Your new password:

  • must be 8 to 32 characters long
  • must contain at least 2 digits and 2 letters
  • may contain the following symbols: = ! @ . - _ * #

Create passwords that are easy to remember, but avoid dictionary words, familiar names, and any personal information that is easily guessed. A good strategy is to transform a phrase into a password. Think of a phrase, then use the first letter of each word and insert numbers or symbols, or use numbers or symbols to represent some words. You should avoid using a password which will be used elsewhere.

There is no expiry date for passwords. However, we recommend that you change your password at least once every three months. It should be changed immediately if you suspect that someone else has learned your password.

The CMPA website does not offer the option to save or "remember" your password for future sign-ins to the members-only area of the website. We recommend against saving authentication information (e.g., passwords).

Sign-in information should not be saved or 'cached' for future sign-ins. Older operating systems, operating systems that are behind in terms of service updates, and home systems that have inadequate defences against hackers (e.g., firewalls) are vulnerable and could allow someone to retrieve password information under certain circumstances.

Because of the distributed nature of email and the fact that the Internet email standards do not mandate the use of encryption, you should not transmit any personal or confidential information via email.

On the other hand, any information you submit via the self-service forms on this site is secure. All data transmitted is protected by a protocol known as HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol – Secure). The HTTPS connection, established between your web browser and the CMPA's web server, ensures that all data traffic is encrypted. HTTPS is used by many websites to transfer confidential user information, such as credit card numbers and banking information.

Technical requirements

Here are the technical requirements to help you seamlessly take part in interactive CMPA workshops:

  • Use a desktop or laptop computer, rather than a mobile device or tablet
  • Download the Zoom app for your device and ensure you have the latest updates (see below)
  • Test the technology before the workshop (i.e. camera, speakers, and microphone). You will need to turn on video and speak during the workshop.
  • Ensure that your internet signal is strong enough to support an interactive videoconference
  • Put other devices, including phones, on silent
  • Mute yourself if you are not speaking
  • Email [email protected] if you are experiencing any technical difficulties before or during the session

Using Zoom:

You will need to have Zoom installed on your computer in order to fully participate in the live event and have access to all of its interactive features.

  • If you do not have a Zoom account, or if you do not have the Zoom app installed on your computer or laptop, go to to download it before your session
  • If you already have the Zoom app installed on your computer, please make sure you have the most updated version by going to "Check for Updates" in the desktop app
  • It is not recommended to attend this workshop via mobile device

If you can view the document correctly on screen but cannot print it correctly, try the following steps:

  1. With the PDF file open in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, choose Print from the File menu.
  2. Windows users: Select the Print as Image option in the Print dialog.
    Apple users: Change the setting for the pop-up menu at the top of the dialog from General to Acrobat, and select Print as Image as the print method.
  3. Click Print.

If you do not see the option Print as Image, make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free from Adobe. See also additional troubleshooting solutions.

To view the eLearning activities and other interactive features, your browser must have JavaScript and the Flash Player plug-in enabled. eLearning activities can be viewed only using the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.

This website is designed to be viewed in the more recent versions of browsers that include Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Edge. Earlier versions of these browsers or other browsers may result in some pages being displayed in a less-than-optimum manner. Using a recent version of a broadly supported browser is recommended.

Windows® users can download the latest version of Chrome, or Firefox.

Apple users can download the latest version of Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.

Minimum hardware requirements

  • Monitor display property settings - 1024 X 768
  • Colour depth – 32 bit


  • For some functions such as eLearning, Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash Player are also required.

Minimum hardware requirements

  • Monitor display property settings - 1024 X 768
  • Colour depth – 32 bit


  • For some functions such as eLearning, Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash Player are also required.

Some programs can interfere with browser functionality. The following items should be uninstalled, as they are known to cause problems.

  • Virtual Bouncer
  • Hot Bar
  • EZ Search
  • UD Agent

To uninstall these items, look for an uninstall icon located off the Start button. Alternately, go to Start, then Settings, then Control panel, then choose Add/remove programs.

Broadband access is recommended to increase your speed of access.

You should also enable cookies, enable JavaScript and your cache periodically.

Cookies are messages that web servers pass to your web browser when you visit websites. Cookies are helpful to you because they enable websites to "remember" specific user preferences, which means you may not need to re-enter information about yourself if you've already done it once before.

Cookies are also helpful to the CMPA because they help our website tools “remember” whether you’ve visited the website before, what pages you’ve visited on the website, and technical information about your device/browser.

There are different types of cookies. The CMPA uses cookies in first-party contexts to ensure our site runs properly and securely, to collect browsing data, and to enhance your online experience. All cookies placed by us are for our use within the limits laid out in our Privacy policy and Cookie policy. The CMPA does not sell, trade, barter, exchange, or disclose for consideration any personal information.

Visitors to the CMPA website may also receive cookies from certain third parties, such as Google. For example, some video content stored on YouTube is available on the CMPA website. These cookies may allow Google to track your online activities across other websites and for advertising purposes. For more information, visit the Google privacy policy. You can also block third party cookies by changing the settings on your browser.

The CMPA website uses session cookies, that exist until you close your browser, and persistent cookies, that exist for various durations.

Session cookies: The CMPA website uses session cookies to track website usage and support the basic functionality of the website. These cookies enable our website to “remember” things as you progress from one page to another. Session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser. If you leave your browser open for a prolonged period, the cookies on our website are not set to erase themselves automatically after a short period of time. They will, however, be deleted when you shut down your browser.

Persistent cookies: The CMPA website uses persistent cookies to “remember” specific information related to the website user. This includes determining whether a website visitor has been to the website before, remembering language preferences, and notifying the user if their browser settings will prevent site functionality. Some persistent cookies have a set expiry, while others remain on your computer until you erase them using your browser settings. The specific durations of these cookies are available for your review on our Cookie policy page.

Web browser cookies are used by the CMPA to improve the website experience and collect browsing data. They do not provide access to your device and are only maintained for as long as required and in accordance with the retention periods set out in our Cookie policy. Browser cookies cannot carry viruses and cannot install malware on your computer.

We use cookies on our website to ensure the basic functionalities of our site and to enhance your online experience when accessing resources like the Good Practices, eLearning, and member self-services. These types of cookies are commonly used across websites on the Internet.

You can adjust your cookie preferences on any browsing device, at any time and choose to opt-in or out of each cookie category.

No. The data that CMPA obtains using cookies will NOT be used to determine the protection and assistance individual members receive, nor will they impact fees. Fees are only differentiated based on the type of work a member does and the province/territory a member practices in.

We understand members’ concerns around their privacy and data, so we have designed our privacy policies and procedures to meet or exceed all relevant legislation and regulation standards.

CMPA also has robust privacy and security measures in place to protect member data, including through contractual means, in line with our commitment to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of data entrusted to us.

We only use cookies for one of the reasons listed in the Cookie policy, for purposes consistent with them or as otherwise permitted by law.

The more we know what content our members are most interested in on our website, the better we can customize their online experience with the advice, information, and learning they need.

Read our Cookie policy and Privacy policy for more information.

JavaScript is a programming language used to make web pages more interactive. Because the CMPA website uses JavaScript, your browser must have JavaScript enabled to view this site. 

Follow these steps to enable Javascript.

The cache setting on your web browser saves content of a web page you have visited for faster retrieval. If you have cache enabled, your browser simply checks whether the page you are requesting has been visited before and displays the content of the web page stored in the cache.

It is good practice to delete the cache after you have visited web pages that contain sensitive or confidential information in order to prevent anyone using your computer in the future from accessing such web pages.

Follow these steps to delete cached files:
Delete cache in Internet Explorer.
Delete cache in Firefox.
Delete cache in Chrome.
Delete cache in Safari.

  1. Select the Print link at the top right of the page. (This eliminates the navigation menus and ensures no text is cut off on your printed page.)
  2. Select your desired printer and click Print.

Self-service transactions

If an error message appears during a transaction, please contact the CMPA by phone.

When you submit an online request you will receive a confirmation that your request has been successfully submitted. Should we require further information, a CMPA representative will contact you.

Members can access secure web mail by logging into the members-only area and going to the Online transactions/web mail page.