Much of the CMPA Council's work is delegated to the various committees. In addition, sub-committees or working groups are sometimes created to deal with issues of concern.
The Bylaw requires the following four committees:
- Audit Committee
- Executive Committee
- Case Review Committee
- Nominating Committee
The Bylaw authorizes council to constitute and dissolve additional committees as required.
The current CMPA governance model is depicted below. Revisions to this model, primarily associated with the number and type of working groups, occur as required.
The model does not reflect working groups constituted by council for assignments of relatively short duration (e.g. less than 12 months).
Management and staff
- By-law Required Committees
- Executive
- Audit
- Case Review
- Nominating
- Case Management Oversight
- Extent of Assistance
- Governance
- Human Resources and Compensation
- Investment
- Legal Services Oversight
- Member and Stakeholder Relations
- Pension
- Safe Medical Care
The flow chart shows the President at the top. Council reports to the President. The CEO reports to Council, while management and staff report to the CEO. There are four by-law required committees under Council: Executive, Audit, Case Review, and Nominating. There are eight additional committees under Council: Case Management Oversight, Extent of Assistance, Governance, Human Resources and Compensation, Investment, Legal Services Oversight, Member and Stakeholder Relations, Pension, and Safe Medical Care.
Composition of committees
Council establishes the membership of committees annually. Each committee is governed by terms of reference that outline its mandate, composition, duties and responsibilities, accountability, procedures, meetings, and activities.
Members of Council and external members both serve on the following committees: Audit Committee; Investment Committee; Nominating Committee; and Pension Committee. External members are selected for their expertise and knowledge relevant to the specific mandate of the committee on which they serve.
As part of its sound governance practices, Council conducts a committee structure and effectiveness review on a biennial basis.
Committees and Sub-committees 2024 - 2025
The mandate and membership of each of the existing committees are described below.
Members may wish to contact the CMPA President to discuss governance issues. Inquiries regarding operational or case-specific matters should be directed to 1-800-267-6522.
Executive Committee
Mandate—The Executive Committee meets monthly between meetings of Council and acts on the Council's behalf. The committee considers and determines issues of strategy, policy, risk governance and other matters requiring action. Council may delegate to the Executive Committee all or part of its powers, except the power to appoint councillors, committees, and the executive director/chief executive officer. The Executive Committee generally meets seven to eight times per year.
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (Chair)
- Dr. Damestoy, Nicole
- Dr. Gillis-Doyle, Jennifer
- Dr. Healey, Paul
- Dr. Januszkiewicz, Victoria
- Dr. Lalonde, Geneviève
- Dr. Leung, Fay
- Dr. Mela, Mansfield
- Dr. Rosen, Wayne
- Dr. Shufelt, Katy
Audit Committee
Mandate—The Audit Committee assists council in fulfilling its oversight role with respect to financial management and controls across the CMPA. The committee’s financial oversight role extends to all financial matters (policies, procedures, and risks) including those that might also be under the purview of other governance bodies. The Audit Committee generally meets at least four times each year.
- Dr. Shufelt, Katy (Chair)
- Dr. Cunniffe, Jill
- Dr. Healey, Paul
- Dr. Mela, Mansfield
- Dr. Sullivan, Michael
- Ms. Pratt, Lynn (external)
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Case Management Oversight Committee
Mandate—The Case Management Oversight Committee reviews and provides strategic oversight of the case management system, and provides input and guidance into risks relating to case management and the medico-legal environment.
- Dr. Leung, Fay (Chair)
- Dr. Chafe, Susan
- Dr. Halparin, Elliot
- Dr. Khoury, Viviane
- Dr. Scott, Heather
- Dr. Sullivan, Michael
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Case Review Committee
Mandate—The Case Review Committee considers the conduct or defence of matters or proceedings, by action or complaint, against active, former, and deceased members. This includes the authority to determine the nature and extent of assistance to a member. The committee also provides strategic guidance to, and governance oversight of, the CMPA’s medical-legal case management control system, including the provision of legal services. The Case Review Committee generally meets at least twice a month.
- Dr. Healey, Paul (Chair)
- Dr. Bouchard, Jacques
- Dr. Cashin, Paula
- Dr. Gillis-Doyle, Jennifer
- Dr. Johnson, Darcy
- Dr. Mercier, François
- Dr. Rosen, Wayne
- Dr. Ross, Tracey
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Extent of Assistance Committee
Mandate—The Extent of Assistance Committee reviews issues surrounding requests for assistance by CMPA members and develops the philosophy and principles to guide the CMPA’s extension of discretionary assistance to members, for consideration by council. The committee provides guidance on strategic initiatives impacting members, member service and CMPA programs related to the mutuality obligations of members. It identifies and considers organizational risks related to the protection of members. The Extent of Assistance Committee generally meets two to three times each year.
- Dr. Rosen, Wayne (Chair)
- Dr. Cashin, Paula
- Dr. Halparin, Elliot
- Dr. Khoury, Viviane
- Dr. Leung, Fay
- Dr. Tang, Jennifer
- Dr. Brossard, Jean-Hugues (Past President honorary observer)
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Governance Committee
Mandate—The Governance Committee strengthens and enhances the Association’s governance performance by overseeing and advancing sound and effective corporate governance principles and practices designed to aid the long-term success and governance integrity of the Association and its council. The committee provides oversight and direction of specific governance projects and activities approved by council. The Governance Committee generally meets three to five times each year.
- Dr. Mela, Mansfield (Chair)
- Dr. Curry, Michael
- Dr. Damestoy, Nicole
- Dr. Hemans, Clover
- Dr. Mercier, François
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Human Resources and Compensation Committee
Mandate—The Human Resources and Compensation Committee provides strategic guidance to, and governance oversight of, the CMPA’s human resource functions. The Human Resources and Compensation Committee generally meets three to four times each year.
- Dr. Damestoy, Nicole (Chair)
- Dr. Craigen, Gerard
- Dr. Gillis-Doyle, Jennifer
- Dr. Januszkiewicz, Victoria
- Dr. Mela, Mansfield
- Dr. Scott, Heather
- Dr. Brossard, Jean-Hugues (Past President honorary observer)
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Investment Committee
Mandate—The Investment Committee establishes the CMPA’s investment policy, and reviews the results in comparison to the approved investment strategy. The committee establishes the strategic asset allocation strategy intended to deliver the required investment returns within the risk budget approved by council and advises council as to the long-term expected return on the CMPA’s investment portfolio. The Investment Committee generally meets at least four times each year.
- Dr. Curry, Michael (Chair)
- Dr. Arneja, Jugpal
- Dr. Cunniffe, Jill
- Dr. Larivée, Yanick
- Dr. Shufelt, Katy
- Dr. Tang, Jennifer
- Ms. Brodkin, Wendy (external)
- Mr. Cotsman, Stephen (external)
- Mr. Murray, John (external)
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Legal Services Oversight Committee
Mandate—The Legal Services Oversight Committee reviews and advises on the retention and delivery of legal services in support of our members and guides the working relationship between the Association and its partner law firms. The Legal Services Oversight Committee generally meets a minimum of three times each year.
- Dr. Tang, Jennifer (Chair)
- Dr. Arneja, Jugpal
- Dr. Curry, Michael
- Dr. Lalonde, Geneviève
- Dr. Ross, Tracey
- Dr. Shufelt, Katy
- Hon. Laskin, John I. (external)
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Member and Stakeholder Relations Committee
Mandate—The Member and Stakeholder Relations Committee provides strategic guidance to, and oversight of, the CMPA’s communications and stakeholder engagement activities, including the understanding and managing of relevant and emerging issues in the external environment. The Member and Stakeholder Relations Committee generally meets three to four times each year.
- Dr. Sockanathan, Sanjeeve (Chair)
- Dr. Johnson, Darcy
- Dr. Lalonde, Geneviève
- Dr. Mela, Mansfield
- Dr. Scott, Heather
- Dr. Shufelt, Katy
- Dr. Zhang, Joyce
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Nominating Committee
Mandate—The Nominating Committee identifies and proposes council candidates to the membership for election. The Nominating Committee generally meets three to four times each year.
- Dr. Hemans, Clover (Chair)
- Dr. Cunniffe, Jill
- Dr. Januszkiewicz, Victoria
- Dr. Mercier, François
- Dr. Singh, Birinder
- Dr. Boyce, Debra (external)
- Dr. Cohen, Michael (external)
Pension Committee
Mandate—The Pension Committee provides oversight on matters affecting the policy and administration of the CMPA’s pension plan. The committee safeguards the plan assets, monitors the fund investments, ensures compliance with applicable legislation and regulation, and acts in accordance with the best interests of the plan beneficiaries. The Pension Committee generally meets quarterly.
- Dr. Craigen, Gerard (Chair)
- Dr. Johnson, Darcy
- Dr. Lalonde, Geneviève
- Dr. Larivée, Yanick
- Dr. Tang, Jennifer
- Mr. Cotsman, Stephen (external)
- Mrs. Pratt, Lynn (external)
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Safe Medical Care Committee
Mandate—The Safe Medical Care Committee supports and provides strategic guidance to the CMPA’s efforts in safe medical care, including research and analytics, safe medical care stakeholder collaboration, and practice improvement and risk management. The Committee generally meets up to three times per year.
- Dr. Bouchard, Jacques (Chair)
- Dr. Chafe, Susan
- Dr. Curry, Michael
- Dr. Hemans, Clover
- Dr. Sockanathan, Sanjeeve
- Dr. Sullivan, Michael
- Dr. Zhang, Joyce
- Dr. Singh, Birinder (ex officio)
Comité sur la responsabilité professionnelle des médecins
Canadian Medical Association
Secrétaire délégué pour le Québec
Salus Global Board of Directors