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Candidate statement
The CMPA provides world class medical protection and safe medical care support to its Members. It would be a privilege to serve on CMPA Council
As a physician in full time community and hospital practice I remain centered in the realities of clinical medicine. As a late career physician and small 'l' leader I am acutely aware of the need for and value of incorporating diversity, inclusivity, equity and accommodation into all aspects of medical practice.
Several significant challenges face Physicians and the CMPA
- Resources- the shortage of resources, both human and other, have increased the burden and stress on physicians .Physicians not infrequently extend themselves to assist patients to the point where they put themselves and their standard of care at risk. They also concurrently compromise their quality of life (work life balance).
- Teams- the changing concept of teams, while conceptually appropriate, raises complex issues regarding supervision vs collaboration, agency, liability, and workload.
- AI- AI, in particular external AI vendors, raises issues for physician autonomy and expertise. The CMPA needs to be an active partner in defining the principles and parameters by which AI is operationalized. Patient care, the physician/patient relationship, data integrity and ownership must not be compromised.
- Contracts- the increasing use of contracts, both in public and private forums, to define physician obligations and rights can limit CMPA assistance. This requires CMPA educational assistance.
I am seeking your support. If elected I will work with CMPA Council and Management to advance the protection of, active support of, and wellbeing of all Members. I will speak to the promotion of safe medical care and the support of Members as they navigate the significant pressures and demands of our changing health care environment. I will support the value that diversity brings to our decisions around Member protection and support. I will be open to your needs and concerns.
Professional Appointments
Canadian Medical Association
South Zone Medical Staff Association
Alberta Medical Association
Board Member and Officer
Palliser Primary Care Network
Primary Care Physician Leads Executive
South Zone Primary Care Zonal Committee
Section of Family Medicine Executive
Canadian Medical Protective Association
Multiple Cttees: Audit, Governance, Human Resources, Extent of Assistance, Legal Services, Member & Stakeholder Relations, Safer Medical Care, Nominating
General Council Member
Palliser Medical Staff Association
CMPA Appointments
Pension Committee
Human Resources and Compensation Committee
Extent of Assistance Committee
Member and Stakeholder Relations Committee
Governance Committee
Audit Committee
Safe Medical Care Committee
Research, Education & Risk Management Committee
Human Resources and Compensation Committee
Legal Services Committee
Audit Committee
Nominating Committee