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Candidate statement
My name is Dr. Jennifer Clara Tang and I would be honoured to have your support for re-election to CMPA Council. I am an emergency physician practicing in Hamilton (McMaster University). I have a diverse practice that also includes working as a clinical teacher, Designated Capacity Assessor, Inquest Coroner and Investigating Coroner. My learning journey has included stops at Western University for medical school, NOSM (Sudbury) where I decided to pursue emergency medicine, Queen’s University for my Royal College EM, Toronto for an MHSc in Bioethics, Osgoode Hall training in Inquest proceedings and the University of Alberta for Occupational Medicine. I served on the board of the Professional Association of Residents of Ontario, and currently serve on the board of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. I am a woman of colour, parent of two young children and wife to a family physician.
Over the last six years, my governance work at CMPA protecting the professional integrity of physicians and promoting safe medical care in Canada has been amongst the most meaningful work of my career thus far. My front-line clinical experiences in the last ten years and the challenges of the pandemic have taught me empathy, humility and deep understanding of the importance of the CMPA to our healthcare system. As former Chair of the CMPA Case Review Committee for two years, I have a strong understanding of our principles of assistance while also having the cognitive flexibility to understand when these principles need to be reevaluated given the changing terrain of the modern healthcare environment and the CMPA’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion. I serve as Chair of the Legal Oversight Committee, ensuring high quality legal services and responsible use of membership fees. I bring governance experience, an analytical mind, diversity of lived and clinical experience, and a medicolegal lens to Council.
I believe there are three major important issues that the CMPA needs to focus on: Firstly, supporting sustainability in medicine amidst the changing business models within the profession. Secondly, change in scope of practice and how physicians work with other healthcare professionals to deliver high quality patient care. Thirdly, the risks and opportunities associated with the evolving role of artificial intelligence in clinical practice. If re-elected, I commit to listening to you and giving voice to the challenges you face. Thank you!
Professional Appointments
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra Board
McMaster University Medical School
Longitudinal Facilitator of Professional Competencies for medical students
Ancaster Community Services Board
Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario
Telemedicine in Death Investigation - Working Group Member
McMaster University
Assistant Clinical Professor (Division of Emergency Medicine)
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Canadian Medical Association
Bioethics Committee, Ontario delegate
Hamilton Health Sciences
Member, Clinical Bioethics Committee
City of Hamilton
Member, Homelessness Funding Implementation Group
Ontario Medical Association
Delegate to Council, Section of Interns and Residents
Queen's University, Department of Emergency Medicine
Professional Association of Residents of Ontario
Board of Directors, Secretary
Board lead, Working Group on Distributed Medical Education
Queen's University Site Chair
CMPA Appointments
Extent of Assistance Committee
Investment Committee
Legal Services Oversight Committee (Chair 2024 - )
Executive Committee
Case Review Committee (Chair 2022 - 2024)
Culture Sub-committee
Saegis Board of Directors
Extent of Assistance Committee