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Candidate statement
I hope to make positive contributions to CMPA Council with my experience and perspective as an active clinician, educator, and physician leader for over 20 years. Some of you may know me from my physician financial wellness work via The Loonie Doctor and The Money Scope Podcast. However, most of you don’t know me. So, please allow me to explain the full scope of what I bring. I have a breadth of experience that augments many of the domains of the CMPA's mission and have been proactive in governance and leadership roles.
Strategic, Collaborative, & Innovative Leadership. I led the development of novel clinical services and their synthesis into a multi-service hospital department. We took innovative approaches to address patient needs in a systematic way through engaging stakeholders across our medical, allied health, and administrative staff. That objectively improved patient care, our quality of work-life, and put us in a strong position for the future.
Quality Improvement. As a Department Chief for 13 years, I directly supported colleagues through many critical events. As an MAC member, I helped with broader governance within our hospital and its interface with our community. I bring a deep appreciation of the complex interactions that lead to outcomes and quality improvement.
Educational Leadership. The CMPA develops educational resources to help physicians to provide the best care and minimize risk. I have been a clinical teacher and curriculum developer for two decades. For example, I co-founded a national exam review course that grew to be financially self-sustaining and addressed new needs over 10 years. It continues 17 years later. Similarly, I identified physician financial literacy as a gap that I have targeted through my blog and podcast.
Research Experience: I have direct research experience, but my strongest contribution has been through building infrastructure to enable people who are better at conducting research than I am. Research is entwined with clinical practice whether it is local quality improvement, international guideline development, or the basic research that underpins either.
Financial & Investment Literacy. The CMPA is a multi-billion-dollar organization. This requires experience with high level budget oversight, like I had while running a department. However, I also bring a strong knowledgebase about investment management to this aspect of the CMPA Council’s oversight responsibilities.
Thanks for considering.
Professional Appointments
McMaster University Medical School
Learning Assistance Tutor (Remedial)
Member, University Post-Graduate Education Committee
Trillium Gift of Life Network
Hospital Donation Physician
St Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton
Voting Member, Medical Advisor Council
Chief, Department of Critical Care
Co-Chair, Quality & Safety Council, Critical Care
Head of Service, Intensive Care Unit
Deputy Head of Service, Critical Care Response Team
Canadian Medical Association (Joule)
Faculty, Practice Management Curriculum
Ontario Thoracic Society
Co-Editor, Ontario Thoracic Reviews
Member, Education Committee
Chair, Better Breathing Conference 2010
Canadian Critical Care Society
Chair, Canadian Ventilator Workshop at CCCR
Co-Chair, Canadian Critical Care Review
McMaster University Department of Medicine
Member, Alternative Funding Plan Executive
Site Director, Critical Care Residency Program
Site Director, Respirology Residency Program