Paul Cesar Missiuna

Paul Cesar Missiuna

M.D., F.R.C.S.(c)

Ancaster, Ontario
non operative orthopedics

Area 5, Division B

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Candidate statement

To my fellow colleagues

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. In the environment of rapid change, those who are elected to office need to have a greater percentage of participants to empower them with a mandate. It is my privilege to have received nomination support from my colleagues. I am a 72-year-old semi retired surgeon who is willing to serve not for myself but to provide benefit for the next generation. I have seen many changes in my professional career and have held multiple leadership positions. I am willing to share my insight as part of the CMPA Council representing you.

The LEADS framework has been developed as a model and powerful tool for healthcare leadership. I have found LEADS to be an effective tool in healthcare and in other environments (serving on the Board of Directors of a small company). The four process domains of the LEADS framework and the one outcome domain are a potent model for change.

I believe that the underlying principle for leadership is integrity.

Most institutions have implemented written “Code of Conduct” policies. I support the need for a clear statement to “guide steps” to be taken regarding conflict resolution. When an argument is made within an institution to have a different “Code of Conduct” for those in leadership, it amplifies the power imbalance between practicing physicians and the administrator/physician administrator. Unfortunately, I have witnessed abuse of this power imbalance.

As an elected member of the CMPA Council using the LEADS model, it is my hope to persuade fellow council members of the importance of accountability for all those involved in healthcare. We have a duty to uphold the trust that has been given to us. When this trust is broken, accountability is required to re-establish balance.

The CMPA must neutralize this power balance. Without this neutralization by our Organization, practicing physicians will not be able to have “adult conversation” with those in leadership.

Please vote!
Thank you.

Relevant skills and experience

Practice Appointments

St. Joseph's Hospital

Orthopedic Surgeon (courtsey)
Orthopedic Surgeon

Hamilton Health Sciences (McMaster Site)

Orthopedic Surgeon

Hospital for Sick Children

Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon

Professional Appointments

Medical Staff Association

Member at Large

Medical Staff Association

Vice President

Medical Advisory Committee

Committee Member

Clinical Clerks (Orthopedics)

CTU Director McMaster Site

Election contact information

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9055273014