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Candidate statement
My previous experiences on Boards such as the Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Association, has equipped me well with the necessary skills I require to serve you on the CMPA Council. During the course on Board Essentials, participants had to write out their Credo outlining their core values; here are mine:
Honesty is the best policy- it is the only way to build trust;
Do what is right ethically and morally;
Reliability/Integrity- do what you say you will;
Education- use education wisely for the good of humanity. Lifelong learning and personal development enhance competencies and expertise;
Loyalty and commitment to work, family, colleagues. I always strive to do my best.
Love all, serve all. Through hard work and sacrifice I am blessed with a privileged life. It is my duty to pay it forward.
The CMPA Council’s core values of mutuality, ethical defense, safe medical care, service excellence and responsible stewardship align with mine, as does its mission. Its recent move to modernise its governance model is inspiring. Most boards function in the fiduciary and strategic modes, however, the generative mode which uses insight gleaned from the healthcare environment, is the mode that makes a board outstanding.
Prior negotiations and discussions with Alberta Health and AHS will enhance my contributions to Council. As a member of the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules Review Committee, updating these have sharpened my negotiation and collaborative skills of balancing and incorporating legal opinions, physician requests, patient safety and the responsibilities of the health authority.
Having served on numerous committees in medicine, I am known for my excellent organizational skills, dedication, work ethic, and consultative/collaborative leadership style. I bring experience in clinical medicine (3 countries & 2 provinces in Canada), in laboratory medicine (2 provinces) and leadership education and experience to the CMPA Council.
Teaching is a vital aspect of my life and career. I am involved in teaching residents and undergraduates at the University of Alberta and embrace opportunities to learn. Leadership courses completed via the CSPL include Leading Change, Teams and Team Dynamics, Leading with Emotional Intelligence, Physician Wellness and Leadership. However, my best lessons in this area were learnt from working alongside wise, dedicated leaders on committees and boards. I hope to have the privilege of learning from those on this Council and the honor of serving you.