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Candidate statement
CMPA provides exceptional service to Canadian physicians, and I am honored to be a Councilor. CMPA protects physicians’ professional integrity and ability to practice medicine in Canada.
What I bring to this role is that I enjoy being a Councilor, I am enthusiastic, and I have a diverse background. I am trained in both medicine and law. I worked as a family physician and a specialist. I maintain a busy clinical practice and am involved in teaching, mentoring, clinical research, governance and I have administrative roles in my department. I also believe involvement in sport and community is important.
CMPA recently completed a governance review and will make significant changes to the Organization in the next few years. During this crucial crossroad, it is imperative to have experienced councilors guide the transition to ensure continued protection for physician members. Although these changes will modernize the CMPA, it must not do so at the expense of the members’ needs.
There are many significant proposed changes to the governance model, with increased focus on education, research and board appointments. Going forward a single controlled nomination process will result in a very different Board overseeing the organization. It is important to ensure that physician members continue to be represented on the Board and that members' needs continue to be the number one priority of the CMPA.
Health care is currently in crisis, lack of Government support is astounding, and delivery of health care is threatened. Artificial intelligence and virtual care are changing the face of medicine as we know it. With restructuring of the CMPA, physicians require assurances that the organization will continue to be at the forefront of these issues, while first and foremost, advocating for, and continuing to protect the interests of physician members.
If elected I will continue to represent and advocate for physician members. I support the CMPA in advancing new governance models, providing expanded programs to meet member’s needs, and to collaborate with other medical groups to ensure ongoing safe medical care in Canada. It is however important for the Board to mandate that members remain the priority of the CMPA. Sustainability and financial oversight are also important principles to be preserved. The CMPA continues to have exceptional leadership. It is the collaboration of Council and Management working together that will ensure continued success of the CMPA.
Professional Appointments
Canadian Cancer Trials Group (formerly the National Cancer Institute of Canada)
Principal Investigator MA 39 Trial of Radiotherapy in Low Risk Node Positive Breast Cancer
Principal investigator, Clinical trials group MA20
Pediatric Oncology Clinical Research Oversight Committee Meeting
Cross Cancer Institute Clinical Trials Executive Committee
NRG Oncology/Radiation Therapy Oncology Group, Clinical Trials Group
Principal investigator
Radiation Oncology, Children's Oncology Group
Principal investigator
Health Research Ethics Board
Ontario Clinical Oncology Group
Co-principal investigator, RAPID trial (Canadian trial of accelerated partial breast irradiation)
Cross Cancer Institute
Lead, Radiation medicine research
Quality Assurance Committee, Children's Oncology Group
CMPA Appointments
Safe Medical Care Committee
Case Management Oversight Committee
Nominating Committee
Legal Services Oversight Committee
Executive Committee
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee
Governance Committee (Chair 2017 - 2022)
Safe Medical Care Committee
Research, Education and Risk Management Committee
Extent of Assistance Committee
Research, Education and Risk Management Committee
Tort Reform Working Group
Human Resources and Compensation Committee
Legal Services Committee