General Membership
Survey Results

Earlier this year, we reached out to our physician members with the opportunity to provide feedback about CMPA through the General Membership Survey (GMS).

Here is an overview of the results of the 2024 GMS. Overall, they are very positive and reinforce that our Strategic Plan is leading us in the right direction, and that we are continuing to support members effectively. They also identify areas to enhance awareness and use of our member offerings, which are linked throughout this page.

Photo: Lisa Calder

CMPA is an association focused on supporting physicians. We want members to have the opportunity to communicate their needs to us so that we can better serve them. We want our members to have the tools they need to be the best physicians they can be, so that patients can experience safe medical care.
- Dr. Lisa Calder, CEO

A strong outlook, overall

Top words members used to describe CMPA

  •  Trusted - 79%
  •  Responsive - 61%
  •  Creditable* - 59%
  •  Collaborative - 35%
  •  Inclusive - 8%
  •  Innovative - 2%

*Creditable: worthy of belief (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

CMPA delivering on its mission

96% agree CMPA services meet
members’ medico-legal needs

97% agree CMPA’s safe medical care learning
and research resources meet members’ needs

Members agree on CMPA value

  •  Provides credible medico-legal advice
  •  Protects professional integrity of physicians through ethical defence
  •  Promotes safe medical care through accredited learning

Room to grow: Opportunities to enhance members’ awareness
of our lesser-known resources and services

Survey data show that fewer members are aware of our services and support related to research and advocacy, and our work to adapt to reflect a changing healthcare environment.

  •  Promotes safe medical care through research and insights
  •  Adapts offerings to meet physicians changing healthcare environment
  •  Advocates for healthcare system improvements

Resources for our members: learning and research, physician wellness, and EDI

Learning and research resources which benefit members

Our survey suggests that some of our learning and research resources are not as well known by members; however, members who use them report a high level of satisfaction.

Members can request specific medico-legal data and insights

35% - Aware, but not accessed

10% - Aware, and accessed

Members can request education sessions

43% - Aware, but not accessed

12% - Aware, and accessed

CMPA publishes research in peer-reviewed journals

31% - Aware, but not accessed

37% - Aware, and accessed

Members can request specific medico-legal data and insights

35% - Aware, but not accessed

10% - Aware, and accessed

Members can request education sessions

43% - Aware, but not accessed

12% - Aware, and accessed

CMPA publishes research in peer-reviewed journals

31% - Aware, but not accessed

37% - Aware, and accessed

High-quality CPD

Most of our continuing professional development (CPD) programs receive Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons MOC credits and College of Family Physicians Mainpro credits. We strive to provide our physician members with user-friendly, high-quality, and inclusive learning experiences in a variety of digital, face-to-face, and hybrid formats.

Members who have accessed them provide overwhelmingly positive feedback. However, there are still members who have never accessed our learning products and services.

CMPA virtual workshops

62% - Aware, but not accessed

19% - Aware, and accessed

CMPA online learning resources and activities 

43% - Aware, but not accessed

46% - Aware, and accessed

CMPA in-person workshops

57% - Aware, but not accessed

17% - Aware, and accessed

CMPA virtual workshops

62% - Aware, but not accessed

19% - Aware, and accessed

CMPA online learning resources and activities 

43% - Aware, but not accessed

46% - Aware, and accessed

CMPA in-person workshops

57% - Aware, but not accessed

17% - Aware, and accessed

Medico-legal events can be stressful. CMPA has resources to support physician wellness

Physician wellness is a priority, now more than ever. In addition to our physician-to-physician advice and assistance, CMPA has developed a number of resources to help foster physician wellness. Our survey results show that although awareness of our resources is high, almost 40% of members have not accessed them.

Physican wellness information on CMPA website

41% - Aware, but not accessed

20% - Aware, and accessed

Physician-to-physician wellness advice and guidance

38% - Aware, but not accessed

19% - Aware, and accessed

Connecting members to resources outside CMPA (e.g., CMA wellness hub, provincial health programs, etc.)

38% - Aware, but not accessed

8% - Aware, and accessed

Physican wellness information on CMPA website

41% - Aware, but not accessed

20% - Aware, and accessed

Physician-to-physician wellness advice and guidance

38% - Aware, but not accessed

19% - Aware, and accessed

Connecting members to resources outside CMPA (e.g., CMA wellness hub, provincial health programs, etc.)

38% - Aware, but not accessed

8% - Aware, and accessed

CMPA offers information and learning to mitigate bias and inequities in healthcare

CMPA is committed to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the types of services we provide to members and within our own workplace. Our 2022-2025 EDI Strategy shares our EDI vision, which is to be an organization where members and employees are valued for their diverse experiences and perspectives, and where we provide members with fair and equitable support – helping members provide safe medical care.

CMPA information and education to mitigate bias and inequities in healthcare

32% - Aware, but not accessed

16% - Aware, and accessed

CMPA information and education to mitigate bias and inequities in healthcare

32% - Aware, but not accessed

16% - Aware, and accessed

A look at who responded to the survey

A representative sample of 8,636 CMPA members completed the survey. We heard from all provinces, specialties, genders, languages across Canada, with a smaller portion of response from younger members. We are looking to increase the participation of our early career residents and members.


Age under 40: 15%, Age 40-65: 58%, Age 65+: 27%.

  •   Under 40
  •   40-65
  •   65+


Gender - Male: 52%, Female: 46%, Other: 2%.

  •   Male
  •   Female
  •   Other

Career stage

Career stage - Residents: 3%, Early (<5 years): 6%, Mid (5-30 years): 52%, Late (>30 years): 38%.

  •   Residents
  •   Early (<5 years)
  •   Mid (5-30 years)
  •   Late (>30 years)


Specialty - Residency: 3%, Family: 33%, Emergency: 12%, Surgeons: 8%, Other: 45%.

  •   Residency
  •   Family
  •   Emergency
  •   Surgeons
  •   Other


Region - BC/AB: 26%, ON: 33%, QC: 26%, SMAT: 14%.

  •   BC/AB
  •   ON
  •   QC
  •   SMAT*

Practice language(s)

Practice language(s) - English: 93%, French: 36%, All others: 14%.

  •   English
  •   French
  •   All others

Due to rounding, the proportions presented may not add to 100%.

*SMAT: Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Atlantic provinces and Territories

Why are member surveys important?

  • Listening and learning: Surveys allow you, our members, to speak directly to us and share your evolving needs.
  • Focus improvements: Survey feedback identifies areas where we can explore enhancing our products and services.