Physician Well-Being Index

Your wellness matters.

Practicing medicine in today's health care environment is challenging. The stress can take a toll on your well-being, particularly when dealing with a medico-legal event. That’s why, CMPA is offering the Physician Well-Being Index (WBI) in both official languages to its members.

Validated by the Mayo Clinic, this anonymous, web-based tool is designed to: 

  • Provide you with an effective way to assess your levels of distress in just a few questions.
  • Provide you with province/territory specific wellness resources.
  • Allow you to compare your scores to peers and track your progress over time.

How CMPA members can access the tool

To access the tool, members will need to visit the WBI site and create a personal WBI account. With this account, members can assess their well-being, and track wellness changes over time. There are 2 ways to set-up your WBI account.

  1. Through the February 2025 email: In February 2025, all CMPA members were sent an email from CMPA with a WBI QR code and a link/code. Use these codes to visit the WBI website and create your own secure WBI account.
  2. Through CMPA member account: Sign in to your CMPA member account below to access the WBI QR code and a link/code. Use these codes to visit the WBI site create your own secure WBI account.

Learn how to access the WBI*

*Member number and password required

CMPA member data privacy

The account you create with WBI belongs to you. We will never be able to identify individual members using the WBI, see personal details from your WBI account, or access individual WBI accounts. We will receive completely anonymous data at the aggregate level only. These data will allow us to gain deeper insights into the wellness challenges our members face and help us tailor our support to better meet their needs.

We are here for you.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected].


DISCLAIMER: The Well Being Index (WBI) is an online self-assessment wellness tool offered by Corporate Web Services, Inc. (CWS).

Use of WBI is fully voluntary and optional, and governed by the End User License Agreement (EULA) and Privacy Policy.  These are agreements between users and CWS, not the CMPA.  Please be sure to review these documents. You will be able to access these documents once you have clicked on the links/codes provided by CMPA. The CMPA accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from your use of the tool, including related to the transfer of personal information to the United States or the unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure of personal information.

CWS may disclose to CMPA and other parties de-identified and aggregated results as outlined in the EULA and Privacy Policy.  By providing your personal information via the tool, you agree to the CMPA’s collection and use of such de-identified and aggregated information.

All content, results, materials, opinions and statements provided by CWS are solely the responsibility of CWS, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the CMPA and are provided “as is”.  Any representation or warranty of or concerning any such materials is strictly between you and CWS.