Procedure for obtaining resourcing or training fund allocations

For Quebec family physicians attending a CMPA training session

Activity of less than 3 hours:

Training fund allowances do not apply, so no action is required. CFPC accreditation is recognized by the CMQ.

Activity lasting 3 hours or more, held outside Quebec (web or face-to-face):

The participant must apply for resourcing and allocation of the training fund outside Quebec, more than 60 days before the training session. Credits will be granted by the CFPC, an organization recognized by the CMQ.

Application form for resourcing and training fund allocation outside Quebec: Demande d’allocations/ressourcement hors Québec(available in French only)

Frequently asked questions: Ressourcement et allocations du fonds de formation hors Québec(available in French only)

Activity of 3 hours or more held in Quebec:

A request for accreditation must be submitted by a training manager in the FMOQ network prior to the training session in order for the activity to be accredited and eligible for allocations from the training fund. Credits will then be issued by the FMOQ.

List of continuing education officers in affiliated associations: Responsables de formation continue des associations affiliées(available in French only)

Questions? Contact the FMOQ at [email protected]