In British Columbia and Alberta, the 2025 average fee per member is $5,071. This is unchanged from 2024 and is less than it was in 2020. Therefore, membership fees in this region will be similar to 2024 levels.
In Ontario, the 2025 average fee per member is $7,287, which is also unchanged from 2024. Fees for members in Ontario will also remain similar to their 2024 levels.
After several years of unprecedentedly low membership fees in Quebec, the 2025 average fee per member will increase to $448. While all membership fees in Quebec will increase, they are still much lower than pre-pandemic levels.
Similarly, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Atlantic Provinces, and the Territories had unprecedently low fees in recent years. The 2025 average fee per member will increase to $1,420, resulting in higher membership fees in this region. Again, they are still much lower than previous years.
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CMPA membership fees are based on your fee region and type of work. Refer to “Fees by type of work and region” above or choose one of the following:
To find your membership fee, select the TOW code that most accurately reflects all your professional responsibilities. If you perform more than one type of work and/or work in more than one fee region, please contact the CMPA for assistance with selecting the correct category.
See the instructions on the Residents and fellows page if you are applying for membership in TOW code 12 or 14.
If you have questions about membership fees, please email [email protected] .
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Membership fees are paid entirely by members. In all jurisdictions, provincial or territorial governments and medical associations or federations have negotiated reimbursement agreements that are intended to offset some of the cost of liability protection. This long-standing arrangement reflects an agreement between physicians and governments to include, in lieu of other payments for clinical services, some of the cost of liability protection in the overall compensation of physicians.
Each province or territory sets its own eligibility criteria for reimbursement. Please contact your provincial or territorial medical association or federation for more information.
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Membership fees differ depending on the type of work you perform as well as the fee region in which you are working (or are registered in a training program or are moonlighting). Fees reflect the medico-legal risks inherent in different types of practices, as well as regional variations in medico-legal costs.
Due to the regional cost differences across the country, the CMPA has four fee regions to allow for an equitable allocation of costs. The four regions are:
- British Columbia and Alberta
- Ontario
- Québec
- Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Atlantic provinces, and the Territories
Member fees in different regions reflect regional variations in medico-legal costs, the number of medico-legal cases in the region, the number of physicians in the region, and the risk levels of their different specialties.
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While the CMPA does not issue income tax receipts, the CMPA Annual Receipt for membership fees can help you determine whether you are eligible for an income tax deduction. This receipt is made available to members online each year in late January or early February. Members will receive an email when receipts become available. Download your receipt at any time (member sign in required). For details about tax laws governing your province or territory, please consult your tax advisor.
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No, the CMPA does not offer part-time membership or senior membership rates.
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